Interview Prep for BCA and Ivy League
1 Hour - Mock Interview
If you already have a strong resume and talking points, participate in a mock interview with a former Princeton University interviewer and receive personalized feedback.
Practice how best to share your authentic story in a powerful way, and learn how to tackle tricky unexpected questions
Gain confidence knowing what kind of questions to expect and what the interviewer is really looking for
3 Hours - Interview Prep Package
If this is your first time going through an official interview process, we’ll guide you from the beginning. You will work with a former Princeton University interviewer as your personal coach.
Develop a powerful narrative (1 hour)
Learn tips and tricks that you can apply to in-person or virtual interview (1 hour)
Participate in a mock interview to put it all together (1 hour)
Note: The package consists of three 1-hour sessions. Please select three time slots from the calendar.